Well, it's Sonntag (Sunday - [zon-tagk]) here in the new home, and what a gorgeous day. It's going to be mostly sunny with a high around 19 (yes, Celsius - give me a break, I've got to learn this stuff), there's virtually no wind, and it's just beautiful. Right now I'm sitting in the middle of the Schlossgarden Universitäte (University Castle-garden - [shloss-gar-ten oon-ee-fair-zee-tate]. Yep that's it, just sitting, enjoying the day. And really, on a Sunday, there's not much else to do. The only thing open on Sundays in this country are some restaurants, bakeries, and other various cafes, as well as the gas stations. Unlike in the US, they take their relaxation seriously here, and they don't want it infringed upon. Oh my God, you may say. that's such a waste of time. You could be getting so many things done, you say. Yeah well, get over it. Relax and enjoy the day. And everyone here is doing just that. Reading on a blanket in the sun, playing frisbee, knocking around the shuttlecock (no nets, just hitting the little badminton thingy) - that's all, just enjoying the day. I gotta say, it's pretty cool. (Okay, one little nit-pick, and that's probably 'cause I'm new at this 'nature' stuff - just had to flick an ant or two off of my computer, so I'll be swiping at phantom ants on my body all day now. Guess I need a blanket for theses park ventures.)
I'll tell you, after the past couple of days, I need the relaxation. It gives me a chance to unwind and get my bearings on where I am. It's remarkable how little I've actually done, and yet how stressed and frustrated I am. Case in point: Friday. I was at my apartment waiting on the phone guy to come and hook up and activate my phone and internet service. The window I was given was from 8 to 4 (and you thought the cable people were bad), so I had to be there potentially the whole day. Now, my landlord said that when he got his stuff hooked up, the guy showed up at around 10. Well, he obviously doesn't know me and Murphy. Yep, the guy never showed. Now, to the phone company's credit everyone seemed genuinely surprised when told of this, but that doesn't do me a damn bit of good, now does it. So I spent the entire day in a completely empty apartment - no internet, no phone (don't even have a cell yet), no connection to the outside whatever. Couldn't do a damned thing. Luckily, I did bring my computer with me, as well as a couple of books to read, so I had music and something to keep me occupied. But I couldn't even go to lunch, because you know if I did, that's when the guy shows up. Luckily for me, my landlord showed up and I was able to go get some food at around 3, but still - whole day basically wasted, and not a thing I could do about it.
Anyway, I'm done bitching for now. For now, mind you. There are a couple of things that I'll get off of my chest, but I'll save those 'til later. And keep in mind that while I may bitch, so far I wouldn't miss this for anything. I'm guessing that the initial two weeks or so are going to be the hardest, getting everything set up and getting myself in a routine of some sort. That's one of the big reasons that I made sure that I don't have to start work until the middle of the month. Well, okay, that and the local beer festival that starts on Thursday. More on that and other stuff later on.
Auf Wiedersehen.