Hey, another post! All right, I know that I've been blathering on about Winter a bit much, but this one I gotta share. I'm at work checking the weather forcast, seeing if I can take the bike tomorrow. Well, according to it, it's snowing as I sit. I scoff a little, as it was mostly cloudy when I came in this morning, and those weren't even the type of clouds that you would expect parcipitation from. The sun was peeking out intermittently, so I guess the better description would be partly sunny. Whichever, though, it certainly wasn't snowing, and it didn't look like it would be any time soon.
So imagine my surprise not three minutes later when I look up and see it snowing outside. Now mind you, the sky was the same as it was, and in fact the sun was shining at this particular moment (the first thought I had was, is there such a thing as a snow-rainbow?). We've got a pretty good panarama of the skyline out of the office, too, so we could say with a fair degree of certainty, hey, this shouldn't be happening, should it? I mean, where was it coming from? But as much as you know that I loooove Winter, this was pretty cool. It reminded me of something, but I was having the hardest time figuring it out, since I have virtually no experience with snow (besides the fact that if it snows, you are required by law to buy all the bread and milk you can, and you must drive down the road doing 10 mph at most, or risk instant death and mutilation). And then it hit me.

I was in a snow-globe. I can't really describe it any differently. There was a pretty good wind swirling around, as well, so that the snow wasn't just coming straight down, so that added to the effect nicely. About fifteen to thirty minutes later, it was snowing normally again. By that, I mean gray, overcast with a low ceiling, and kind of dreary. An hour or so later at around lunch, it had quit, and now it's back to sunny again in the early afternoon. When I lived in both Oklahoma and Carolina, there was always the joke, if you don't like the weather just wait a few minutes, but they got nothing on this place, let me tell you.
Anyway, that's it for now. Nothing special, really, I just thought I'd share. Like I said, be careful what you wish for.