Now, as anyone familiar with the Kitchen Saga knows, I am a natural at this particular activity. But the hows, wherefores and other rules of the practice have always eluded me, as I've never needed to question them. A thing that is innate often does not get explained because that would require thought where none is needed - it just is. And don't worry, I'm not about to get all philosophical on you and try to figure things out now (or at least, I'm not to going to torture you with it). Suffice it to say that instead of studying for my driver's test, I'm doing this instead.
(Okay, I've been sitting here for like 20-30 minutes trying to think of a good segue from that last paragraph, and I just can't do it... here)
So as it snowed all last weekend, I think I can say that winter has officially come to Germany. For two weeks now, the temperature has been where it seems to have been all last winter whenever I checked it, and that's right around freezing. Starts out just below, goes up to just above, and pretty much stays within that small range the whole time. I hope so, anyway. I think my blood thinned out too much over the ten years I'd been in Carolina, but maybe it'll thicken up a little bit now.
I'm encouraged by the fact that the only jacket I'm wearing is a thin running-type jacket from Add!da$. I love this jacket. Retains my body heat very well, and doesn't let very much, if any, wind through it. Like I said, it's right at freezing every morning, and by the time I get to work the only body part that's cold is my face. In fact, when the temp was still in the mid- to upper-single digits (celsius remember), I had usually worked up a little sweat by the time I made it to the office. You get some funny looks when it's fairly cold outside and you've got a fan turned on you in the morning.
Well, that's really all I've got for now. I know, it ain't much, but hey, look at the date just below this and realize, well, it's something at least.
crap. you make more money than I do, and now you've got better circulation.
Not so sure about the better circulation, bro. That's why they give me blood pressure meds.
Brothers...arguing about who has better circulation.. Remember we're all jealous back here in Iowa, not of the cold, just the scenery and so on. And wearing just a little jacket, didn't your mother teach better than that?? Speaking of that, I bet she will be wearing a winter coat in a couple of days.. Enjoy!
Hey...welcome back!! Glad to see an update...hope you are doing well. We miss you...when should we expect our annual arrival of muddy buddies??? :)
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